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Course overview
Project Scope:
Restaurants have to conform to high standards and they are regularly checked using R.O.C.C. (Restaurant Operations and Conditions Checks). We were challenged to upcycle video content into a gamified experience. Video segments were originally used in a trade stand format at the restaurant manager conference and were put together to have a gamified feel.
Create a gamified experience to help train Restaurant Operations and Compliance Checks, the process used to maintain and assess restaurants. Find a way to re-use a series of video segments to make an online solution similar to the one used at the annual conference.
There was no scope or budget to have the videos re-edited or to get access to the original recordings. The original live format of the game was driven by manual human input and had no automation.
Solution Summary:
The solution was to segment the video clips and add some scoring functionality to each section. This scoring then rolls up at the end to provide an overall score, which is presented back with a Red, Amber, Green status in the same way as a ROCC assessment would have been.
The incredible video footage was put together by our friends at Seal Films, you can see more of the work we’ve done together within the XX and YY courses.